Friday night we went to a happy hour that was arranged by one of the girls in my office and we had a great time, drank a little and The Wife and I even had our first shots of Patron (done lots of drinking, but never had Patron). Good Food, good drinks, I figured when we got home I might get some loving - nope! Fast Forward to Saturday afternoon and we are cleaning the garage, I find a cup filled with candy and The Wife says 'I want the chocolate' my response is 'you can earn it when we go to bed' again, nothing happening, we head to bed, and she goes straight to sleep. Now it is Sunday morning, and since she always says just come back to bed and I will be ready, I figured I would try so I went into the bedroom to brush my teeth and she did not even turn over. Figured to make a little more noise, so went out to purchase the Sunday morning paper (requires turning off the alarm and open/close the Garage door 2x) Come back from paper run look in the Bedroom, and she still is not moving. Somehow, I do not think that there will be any sex in my household this weekend especially since I am tired of feeling like I am asking her to do something that she does not want to do. Ah, well, such is life! |