Gift PremiumI am a conundrum even to myself
- 61 years old
- Female
- Joined 21 years ago
juicy's Blog
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Tuesday, October 24, 2006, 1:38:16 AM- I am such a dork!!! | ||||||
Yesterday was a grey rainy miserable October day here. My son just had to start at lunch time "I want a taco!!!" Damn him!! Tacos hadn't even crossed my mind untill then, and it became an obsession. BUT it was pouring rain and there was NO way I was going to walk to the store. Untill, it got a lil later in the afternoon and I realized I only had 2 beers left. So now the conundrum how badly do I need beer and tacos???? I finally caved and took a hike, beer, check! taco ingredients check!! toss in a dvd for good measure and walk back home. It wasn't untill i was clearing up the empties this am and putting them in the garage that I noticed (and remembered) I had another 24 in the garage sheesh!! enjoying the extras, ju | ||||||
Sunday, October 22, 2006, 12:43:33 AM- MUCH happier | ||||||
Without going into great detail my brain is now in a much better place. I can now make Christmas happen for my kids. That is a huge load off of my mind. Looking forward to shopping! ju | ||||||
Thursday, October 19, 2006, 11:48:53 PM- Wooooooooooohoooooooooo | ||||||
Dunno what possessed me but I decided to try on a pair of jeans that havent fit in ohhhhhhhhhh about 10 years or so. Yeah I know should have gotten rid of them but wishful thinking that one day they would fit again. Today was the day!! I not only got them on but got them done up too!!!! Outta style by 10 years and not caring at all. Doing the happy dance!!!! ju | ||||||
Thursday, October 19, 2006, 1:36:37 AM- I don't usually | ||||||
look forward to weekends. But damn I'm sure looking forward to this one! Grinning, ju | ||||||
Tuesday, October 17, 2006, 1:24:50 AM- Three little words | ||||||
Today I got to see my parents today for the first time in ages! Distance, economics and lack of transportation are the reasons for not getting together more often. As some of you know my Mom and I are very close and speak on the phone weekly (for hrs at a time) My Dad and I are very close too (yup I'm Daddys little girl, and my sisters hate me for it) but close in a different way. We dont need to talk for hrs at a time to stay connected, I think i talked his ears off as a child anyway. Even though I have been talking to my mom constantly about everything that is going on and have her unwavering support, it was three little words my Dad said "looking good kid" that told me he thought I was doing OK too. Amazing isn't it that no matter how old we get and even though we aren't neccesarily seeking it approval from our parents can still have such a huge impact. Gathering resources, ju | ||||||
Saturday, October 14, 2006, 7:18:30 PM- When stress builds | ||||||
. | ||||||
Saturday, October 14, 2006, 3:07:22 AM- yall got your wish | ||||||
I cant mass delete my blogs but i tried. Pics have been culled to a min there may be more to go. you have shown me in more ways than one that its over for me have fun sionara ju | ||||||
Friday, October 13, 2006, 1:03:49 PM- Something is bothering me... | ||||||
Normally if there is something bothering me I will talk about it with the person it concerns. This time however I am not quite sure how to approach it. I am sure this person is totally blind to what he is doing and would be heartbroken if it was pointed out to him. And therein lies my dilemma. Stewing, ju | ||||||
Thursday, October 12, 2006, 9:55:01 PM- I feel | ||||||
perfectly justified having the heat on today. It snowed!! Warm and cosy, ju | ||||||
Thursday, October 12, 2006, 1:38:08 AM- I need help cleaning out the fridge | ||||||
There is one bowl of chili, one bowl of turkey stew, one large slice of roast vegetable quiche, one large serving of onion rings, one bowl of onion soup and one slice of apple pie. I am running out of dishes and I am not cooking another thing til its all gone! Standing here with hands on hips waiting ju | ||||||
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