
Gift Premium

I'm a curvy girl, happy, playful and discovering more about myself daily. I'm here to have some fun, this is my go to place to de-stress and unwind. Oh yeah and to look at all the sexy pics and videos you awesome people post. Friend requests, well I'm looking for interaction with people, not just a name on a list please. So be prepared to converse via pm or play in status or meet in the chatroom or SOMETHING cos I don't just want a whole load of names on a list of people I don't at least know.

  • This member has been with us 10 years or more! (Joined 11.5 years ago)This member is a Verified Poster
  • 50 years old
  • Female
  • Joined 11 years ago

Gifts sexyspice has received

Single Red Rose
11 years ago