Gift PremiumI am a conundrum even to myself
- 61 years old
- Female
- Joined 21 years ago
juicy's Blog
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Saturday, December 1, 2007, 9:48:01 PM- LOL | ||||||
I asked my neighbour if he would come over to help me assemble and install my new bbq burner. He said he would stop in on his way back from the store. My computer is in the kitchen so when I heard him at the door I closed chat trying to be somewhat discreet and then sat opposite him while he assembled the burner wearing my NN hoody. I didn't even notice till I was putting my coat on to go out with him to install it. He didn't say anything and he doesn't have a computer however he is a total perv and would love NN. Laughing at myself, ju | ||||||
Saturday, December 1, 2007, 1:35:03 AM- Christmas shopping | ||||||
Yup I have more than started and decided I needed a lil gift too. Spotted one of these online the other day [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEmKn6Mf6Ls&feature=related[/url] Damnit I want one!!! Fucking things aren't available in Canada yet!! So I settled for a new toy I have yet to test him out but I cant wait! Santa if you get me a wave I promise to be really really goodly bad with it. ju | ||||||
Thursday, November 29, 2007, 2:50:22 AM- There is | ||||||
nothing on this earth that is better than connecting and being connected. I am so fucking lucky! ju | ||||||
Wednesday, November 28, 2007, 12:08:27 AM- Just incase | ||||||
you had "one of those days" [url]http://www.addictinggames.com/whackyourboss.html[/url] Have fun and if you have to you can pretend I'm the boss ju | ||||||
Sunday, November 25, 2007, 2:48:49 AM- Very controversial blog ahead, be warned | ||||||
I just watched a 2 hour documentry about assisted suicide. I have to say I have always been on the side of choice, informed decision and then allowing the individual to do what is best for them, on all issues. There were 2 totally different scenarios in this show. There was a terminally ill man who decided he didn't want to suffer and his wife supported his decision. The Swiss authorities allowed him his assisted suicide. The second couple, his health was deteriorating but she was completely healthy and yet they wanted to die together after 50 years of marriage. They were turned down. The laws have changed somewhat since the show was filmed and this couple is now hopeful that their wishes to die together will be fulfilled. They had explored the idea of murder/suicide if they weren't granted their wishes. What I found the most interesting and probably the most controversial, the man that was given the right to die, his arguement about playing god. His arguement was that anytime a doctor or nurse performed heroic measures to save someone they were playing god and he wanted to reserve the right to play god in his own death. Without passing judgement whatsoever I do have to wonder who really has the right to tell us we must live no matter what the circumstances are untill our bodies just wont cooperate any more. Is assisted suicide really any different than a DNR? (do not recessutate) Just mulling stuff over in my own mind and subjecting you to my thoughts, ju | ||||||
Saturday, November 24, 2007, 4:46:06 AM- So I had a | ||||||
conversation or 2 today. We all agree NN is unique. How this came to be is what I am currently pondering. I have to say the people, yeah that has been said over and over again to the point it has become cliche. I mean the PEOPLE. Yes I was here in the early days but I wasn't here in the very beginning. The true originals are the ones who set the tone for this site. They are the ones we have to thank for being true to themselves and each other allowing us to enjoy a place that is more than just a place to get cyber fucked. The originals are the ones that established friendships with each other. They are the ones that have opened their arms to accept all who came after, me included. They are the ones we need to thank because without them wanting to be seen on a lil corner of the internet we just wouldn't have the site we have today. Opportunity knocked and a few good ppl decided to open the door to the rest of us. Thank you for paving the way, ju | ||||||
Saturday, November 24, 2007, 2:30:27 AM- I have a craving | ||||||
for garlic bread with cheese!! Kitchen is open who else wants some? Thinking a lil ceasar salad on the side might really help keep the vampires away. Gone garlic crazy, ju | ||||||
Friday, November 23, 2007, 3:43:31 AM- Bureaucracy boggles my brain | ||||||
I have over the past year asked for a few things, basics not extras and was always turned down. Today I found out if I am willing to sit in a class designed to teach life management skills I will qualify for free dental care. Ok so what the hell I will go. I also found out that because I am willing to sit thru this course that I qualify for one on one resume counselling. It boggles my mind the resources that are available, and yet one dept isn't willing to speak to the other. The service is called "Ontario works" but damn they sure know how to keep it a secret. Wondering what else I will uncover in my quest for employment, ju | ||||||
Wednesday, November 21, 2007, 6:09:44 PM- Environment Canada | ||||||
has issued a snowfall warning for my area, 10-20 cm (4-8" overnight and tomorrow. First snow of the year and I can't wait!! I think I will keep the kids home if we do get as much as they say, even though I will probably regret it. I have to celebrate the first snow of the season!! Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!! ju | ||||||
Wednesday, November 21, 2007, 2:44:47 AM- Ok | ||||||
I survived my hike, I got to the top of the hill and saw the curvature of the earth. Cap I did get a burner but I had to go out to the garden centre behind all the christmas decorations to find it. It was a long walk up there but I made it!! I recovered in sporting goods where I asked a trainee where the bbq burners might be. I was shown every make and model of camp stove known to man and no matter how hard I tried to make him understand gas bbq he wasn't getting it. I finally found someone who had worked there for more than 10 mins who knew to send me out to garden supplies (yes in Canada in Nov) that is where they hide the bbq parts. Paid for it and took off for the hike home. I enjoyed the view of the lake for all of 22 seconds before I decided I needed a smoke, that sorta passed the time. My socks decided they were going to move into positions designed for torture five mins into the walk. Five more mins later my bladder decided it would be fun to jump on the torture wagon. Roughly half way home my back decided to tie itself in knots and my nose thought it might be fun to do the allergy dance. The entire time my brain was fighting with my body yelling at it saying "you used to walk double this distance daily!!" A few mins from home my feet decided death by creamation was the way to go and were burning like mad. I made it in the door sat down just long enough to rip open the burner package, assemble the necessary tools and start to read the instructions. Needless to say everything rebelled and nothing was making sense. I packed it all up and it is sitting on the dinningroom table. The beer was cold when I got back and I have indulged but I have to say I really do miss a good work out. How the hell did I become a couch potato after so many years of 6 and 7 hrs daily dancing? Disgusted and desperatly needing motivation to get back in shape, ju | ||||||
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