"I'm gonna get ALL the nudles! Ha ha ha!"- NoSecrets
Saturday, October 2, 2004, 4:06:03 AM- thinking back
there was a time before and i am having a hard time recalling what it was like. Java i am so happy to have met you. cant imagine life without you now. thank you java!
"Um juicy, while i know you arent to realise - but this isn't the idea. The idea is to get clicks from outside this site, to introduce new people. - NN"- NN
Thursday, September 30, 2004, 11:50:47 PM- tonights trivia q's
1. the worlds largest KFC restaurant is located where? (bejing) 2. the wingspan of a boeing 747 is longer that what> (the write brothers first flight 3. a parthenophobic fears what? (virgins) 4. how much does a 10 gallon hat hold? (3/4 of a gallon 5. the average person spends 2 weeks of their lifetime doing this (waiting for traffic lights) 6. 22% of 20 year old american women and only 2% of swiss and japanese women have done this? (given birth) 7. 2/3 of the worlds what occur in colombia? (kidnapping) 8. women do this almost twice as much as men (blink) 9. the very first bomb droppped by allies on berlin during ww2 killed the only what? (elephant in the zoo) 10. name 5 moms that have posted on NN
tie breakers what was the name of the love boat? (pacific princess) before mickey mouse what was the most popular cartoon (felix the cat)
"next time we have to keep funboy out as he distracted me & as I have said before juicy ur body aint big enuff for my name so I let the others win :P"- incubator
Thursday, September 30, 2004, 3:05:26 PM- counting down