We have an adorable 16 year old working with us part time. She is a very nice girl, sweet, even. She cleans the glass doors and sweeps the carpets in the office. If I had been lucky enough to have a daughter, she's just what I would have wanted.
Wednesday, I had a surprise when I saw her. She was toting a baby around with her! She laughed when she saw my shock, then told me it wasn't real... it was one of those fake babies for a school project. It was funny watching her work, then ruin back to check on "her". Seems the baby will cry whenever it needs interaction. She marveled at how quiet it was. I couldn't help myself... I had to tell her that real babies aren't like that, and to be prepared for being awakened at odd hours of the night.
She didn't believe me then. I'm waiting for tonight to see how much has changed in 24 hours.