
Member Since: 8-Jul-03
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Posts: 8613
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I'll NEVER go back to being a free member...
I was a free member for years, but I don't plan on ever going back.

The benefits of premium are great, the best being the Friend's list IMO.

I can, with a quick glance, see who of my friends has posted new pics, or a new blog.

Add that to unlimited PM's, Big Pics, and videos...

What more could a perv want. happydance yahoo happydance yahoo

Now go sign up, you know you want to. thumbup thumbup

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Member Since: 8-Aug-11
Location: GB
Posts: 7929
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I've always thought that this site was worth supporting, not by just posting on it but adding to its finances to keep it alive !

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Member Since: 7-Apr-05
Location: GB
Posts: 59330
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Handle Me With Care
Do give Premium a trial even just for a day.
You will notice the difference

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Friend Activity, comment manager, being able to edit my blogs, access to video...Premium rocks. I've already gifted it to two friends.

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By using the Forum Search feature, I was able to find some of my old posts and old account names. 52sexybutt is my 12th NN account. blush I actually debuted here in 2009 as greatbutt46.

The point is is every time I came back and TRULY participated in NN I was a Premium member. Heck I even paid for my second wife's Premium Membership.

The 'Friend Activity' feature alone is worth $19.95. Personally when I'm not on for a few days, I like to hit the column header 'New pics'and it allows me to see the sexy new pics that my Friends post.

If I get a creepy comment, I can delete the comment. If I have a typo in a blog, I can edit it. If I post a picture that gets no love for a week, I can take it down.

I love NN and being premium is the only way to go.

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