
Member Since: 20-Mar-17
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Question for the guys...
Guys, if you orgasm more than once during a sex session, is the second one as "good" as the first? Is it different? A third?

Be detailed. Be specific.

Thanks in advance.


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Member Since: 20-Apr-07
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Honey, we have NEVER had a bad orgasm, I don't think there is such a thing. Let me ask you a question, when a lady is multi orgasmic, is the 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc orgasm any less than the first. They ALL feel good, to us at least. Here, let me show you, I wish.

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Member Since: 28-Jul-05
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My experience. The most I’ve ever cum in a single session was 5 times, when I was a much younger guy over the whole day. Now I can do 3 or 4 if I’m really horny. The first orgasm is always the largest in terms of cum volume. The sensations are always pretty much the same. Cum volume reduces significantly after 3, 4th orgasm is maybe a few drops, but the orgasm quality is still good and satisfying, depending on the situation of course. Any orgasm can be ruined, so to speak. Some people get off on that. Not really my bag, but I really try not to kink shame.

So to sum up Jen’s question… the orgasm feelings are still good… but don’t expect gusher volumes the more your man/stunt cock has.

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Member Since: 6-Nov-20
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Not as good as the first but what orgasm is bad? Really it's more for her she gets more pleasure and loves knowing she could get me off a second time.

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Member Since: 18-Jun-24
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Up until 2023, I could easily cum 5 times in a day. Now, probably 3 times. Cum output decreases with each orgasm, but the feel of the orgasm is still intense, even if the volume of cum isn't as much.

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Member Since: 26-Sep-21
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Multiple Cumshots in Single Session
Like others, age matters. In my younger days, especially with a new girlfriend, three times within an hour was very achievable. In my early-40s, the 3rd shot was challenging. Now, 60, the second shot is still a go, but it takes concentration.

First shot is still the best based on it's duration, mine spikes at first then will continue for about a minute and a half.
Second shot takes a while to get ready, but good hand work definitely works. Takes a bit longer to cum and the duration is shorter, but still great
Last time I had a third shot in my early-40s it took a while to organism, still felt great, but small load

Ten years ago, I thought my second shot was gone but a girl friend worked my up and I was so surprised and happy it worked. Just needed some encouragement. jerk bounce

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Member Since: 30-May-07
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Multiple Orgasms
When I was younger, I could have several nice big Orgasm over a short period of time and each one, was just as powerful as the 1st and if I did some edging and teasing of my cock, I could Explode just as much as the 1st Explosion! Now days, it takes me a lot longer to get myself hard enough again, for that 2nd Explosion. But, it’s usually just as powerful as the 1st, but, not as much Cum!
If the partner I am with,( male or female) and they have very skillful hands or mouth, they can usually keep me hard enough for a nice, long,2nd Explosion!

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Number of Organisms
For me, the 2nd Explosion is usually just as strong as the 1st, but sometimes, not as much Cum!
It usually always depends on the person that is playing with my cock after the 1st Explosion!

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Member Since: 18-Aug-11
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I find that how powerful the orgasm is is more related to how worked up and excited I am. But, definitely cum a lot more during the first.

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They feel the same to me, even when i go dry on my 4th.

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Back in the day…
When we were young the first orgasm was usually her sucking me off, it took no time at all and was simply to relieve the pressure. So the second round I’d have plenty of control and would last, and the second was always the best. A typical session I’d cum in her mouth, then her pussy, then her butthole. Did that for many years. I’d get her off by eating her whenever she was ready, over time progressed to toys for her. Now I can only rarely cum twice in a row, she can’t cum at all. Getting old sucks!

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Member Since: 18-Jan-25
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Most of the time, the orgasms I have after the first one are really good, and can have the same intensity as the first. I’d echo what the other guys have said and say that the amount of cum I ejaculate goes down with each succeeding orgasm. The actual act of ejaculating with someone - whether it’s inside her or on her - is something that is extra stimulating for me, so maybe I’d say the first one is a bit more intense because that is when I have the biggest load, but that might be more of a mental stimulation thing.

I will say there have been times where I’ve oragasmed several times already and because she wanted to go another time I’ve accommodated her, and those orgasms aren’t as good. I’m sure it’s the same for women when they have sex when they do it more to make the guy happy than doing it because they really want it

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Member Since: 10-Mar-11
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Multiple orgasms

I like most guys can have multiple orgasms. Unfortunately as we get older the amount of love juices that we can ejaculate goes down. Nobody had mentioned it but I figured I'd throw this in after my vasectomy I noticed a drop in the amount of love juices that would come out of my cock. Unfortunately had prostate surgery also that left the little hole and some's love juices get stuck in there now also. There was a time when I could flow like a river and that was fun.

As much as the release of love juices is part of an orgasm the other part is what your brain goes through as you are approaching but more after an orgasm that is just that delightful feeling. Sometimes I think that is even a better feeling than the feeling of love juices coming out of your cock.

The other nice part of having an orgasm is after and you pee for the 1st time to flesh out the remaining love juices in your Cock that also feels very nice.💦😂

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Member Since: 20-Mar-17
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All very interesting. I appreciate the insight.

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Member Since: 21-Jun-11
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Question for the guys
Very simple answer. The next orgasm is always the best. To me, every single one. I absolutely adore cumming. Now say that we are together for the evening ( or morning, which is when I am the horny-ist, and so many of my partners over the years) in all honesty, the first one for me will happen fairly quickly. As I know that most guys do too. But of course, more and more time between orgasms during fun time adds to her pleasure! Most of the time gf and I are together, I am good for three. Because most of our time is evening. Mornings we don't have to work, it will be more and more for the both of us. Hope your question is answered!

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What's sex?????

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Member Since: 24-Sep-03
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I’ve got to be honest for me they decline, the first one is the best, it’s the most explosive my cock is harder the first time to the point it not easy bending it down for doggy. During sex before the first orgasm you want to fuck her like a bull you ram your cock in and out hard I want to feel her pussy gripping my cock pulling my foreskin back having a rock hard shaft and very swollen head feeling her wet the lips as I’m all the way out and in again until my cock explodes, immediately after cumming the head shrinks down and shaft softens and the desire to cum immediately leaves so you can see why most men stop here. So the first few minutes if you can’t get back into it your cock softens more so the fucking hard becomes more gentle sex to ensure you stay in, it firms up but not like pre first orgasm as the feeling of cumming returns the shaft hardens again and the orgasm for me is shorter not as explosive the feeling is similar but not as good, this then carries on in this spiral for every orgasm after . I’ve had it before were no more cum is left to come out out and even ejaculating with a semi erect cock eventually I can orgasm to the point my cock just want go hard anymore and that’s me done. What I can say is the 3rd and 4th are no where like the first the desire to fuck hard goes as my cock numbs a bit so the sensation I get when fucking hard disappears and this changes the orgasm feeling

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