
Member Since: 5-Nov-11
Location: CA
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Well after being on/off NN ever since it started, I finally bought a premium account when they offered it at 1/2 price. I don't think I would have purchased it at full price,it's just too expensive.
But anyways, I certainly wish I had of purchased sooner.
The full size pics are amazing,its just like the person is there with you. The videos are really good. And for me the best part is the webcam access. Nothing like doing my thing for a bunch of strangers or better yet being told what they want to see.
I'm now hoping that they have a 1/2 option again when it comes to renewal time!
Lets hope!!

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I was offered that today too ( renewal was due ) and it said it costs 59€ which the half of what I paid last year !! confused

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Member Since: 7-Apr-05
Location: GB
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Well, when mine runs out in about a months time I hope they give me that offer too !
They could even do that now please NN !

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Member Since: 8-Aug-11
Location: GB
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Well worth the money !

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