
My husband has no interest in sex!!
My husband has zero interest in sex and hasn't for awhile now. Since we've been married, which is only 1 1/2 years, we might have had sex three times...MAYBE. I'm at s loss as to why. He's not the type to cheat nor does he have time. He's possessive over me so I know where he's at all the time. I might not be the hottest girl alive but I think I'm attractive. Any ideas/suggestions?? Please help! sad

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It baffles me that you seek information about your husbands interest in sex here, when you could just speak to your husband about this issue. He is your husband after all, shouldn't you be able to talk to him about anything? Perhaps his apathy to engage in sex with you stems from your lack of ability to communicate with him? Or maybe he just does not want to have sex with his wife that seeks sex from other men, as your profile suggests you are. 2c

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And it baffles me how presumptuous you are, as I am certain you wouldn't know anything about my communication with my husband, or anyone else for that matter. Had you asked if I spoke with my husband regarding the issue I could have told you that I have. I am asking for opinions here because those conversations didn't give me answers. As for my having sex with other men or seeking it, I guess you wouldn't know exactly what I had in mind when putting my profile together. But, hey, thanks for the giggle today! ;0) I hope you can be less presumptuous and negative in the future! Feel free to ask questions; I don't bite! ;0)

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Perhaps my post was a tad harsh, I could have worded it better, but I did not presume anything. I asked you if you could not talk to your husband about anything? So it appears you have talked to him,a key point that would have benefited in your original post. So you talked him about the lack of sex in your relationship, and his response is to shrug his shoulders and walk away, is this correct? It appears to be if, you have no answers from him. If this is the case than I believe there is a deeper problem between the two of you that needs to be resolved before the sex discussion is carried out. My personal belief is that sex is a very important part in a relationship. Taking this issue to a trained professional will be far more beneficial to you and your husband than asking for advice on an amateur nude community. As for my comment about you seeking sex from other men here. That is not an insult in anyway, you are free to do whatever you want, I'm just saying that your profile clearly reads that you are. If you two are in an open relationship than that's great, all I am saying is that if he knows you are seeking other men online than this could be the reason he lost interest in sex with you. Best of luck to you, I hope everything works out

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Member Since: 4-Jun-08
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Still having issues with hubby?
Just curious, has your husband improved any or are you still in the same situation? This sounds alot like my situation with my wife; she also has little interest. I also tried talking but she refuses to answer... sometimes I think she is not even the woman I married. If you figured out what happened with your husband and found an solution, I would love to her it! Maybe it could help me.

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I be happy to stand in for him ,you sound very nice and intelligent my email to communicate more.

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Member Since: 16-Apr-12
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