
Six Word Short Stories
I saw this assignment in a creative writing class and thought it was interesting.

Writing a complete story in just six words means choosing your words pretty carefully. It also brings you awfully close to poetry.

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Babies begin.
Cadavers end.
Spirits endure.

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This was Hemingway's
For sale.
Baby shoes.
Never worn.

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I like that one.

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Peace entwines.
Love grows.
Memories cement.

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Member Since: 5-Apr-07
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l fuck naked people for pleasure *lix*

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tongue w00t

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that doesn't even translate into anything, *lix*

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Member Since: 5-Apr-07
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well that was orginal, wasn't it *lix*

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tongue LOL

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a laughing reaper, what next? *lix*

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"I know not all that may be coming, but be it what it will, I’ll go to it laughing."

w00t w00t w00t w00t w00t w00t

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saw it, hunted it, fucked it, (say that in latin) *lix*

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Drumstick breaks.
Silence reigns.
Mother smiles smile

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Member Since: 25-Nov-13
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I was
Born in
A dump.

My momma
Died, my daddy
Got drunk.

And I
Never learned
To count good.

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Billy, sometimes I just sit and laugh reading your stuff.

Thanks for the smile ... I just loved that one.

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Out of blow
time to go

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One more ...

Illegitimi non carborundum est.
Don't let bastards wear you down.

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anything less than sucking's a bonus... *lix*

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Member Since: 5-Apr-07
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anything less than sucking's a bonus... *lix*

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Member Since: 25-Nov-13
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You’re welcome,
George. Smiles
Are cool.

happydance yahoo happydance yahoo happydance yahoo happydance yahoo

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Oklahoman Thelmalou
marries redneck,
decorates pickup.


The Wedding Reception:

This is a soap opera. Watch for new episodes!

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And now, the continuing story of
"Up Against the Wall Redneck Mother"
(in episodic form):

Episode Two:

Husband Billy Bob
loved Honkey Tonk.


Episode Three:

Thelmalou loved
riding Billy
every night.


Episode Four:

They made a son,
Henry Merle.


Episode Five:

Church on Sundays,
football Friday nights.


Episode Six:

But Billy Bob checked out early.


Episode Seven:

Mistook his gun for a lighter.


Episode Eight:

Hank began listening to his namesakes.

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Episode Nine:

He started developing a sadistic streak.


Episode Ten:

He grew into a violent homophobe.


Episode Eleven:

Killed a pretty boy one night.


Episode Twelve:

Hank was guilty of Murder One.


Episode Thirteen:

Judge asked Thelmalou, "Should he die?"


Episode Fourteen:

She paused, said, "Let it be"


Episode Fifteen:

She could go country or pop.

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This series has been a long, hard lesson I'm sure. But it's crucial you learn the dangers of Bad Ass Country Music espoused by artists like Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard, Eric Church, Toby Keith and Jason Aldean. Allowing your children to listen to this kind of music will drive them crazy. Only death and damnation can follow in its path. Remember the Heavy Metal suicide cases of the 90s? Mark my words, it will happen again, this time with a drawl and a twang.

If your children simply MUST listen to Country, make sure it's the pablum offered by artists like Taylor Swift, Hunter Hayes, Luke Bryan, Keith Urban and Sugarland. Your children will be safe and you'll be able to sleep nights.

If you'd like to learn more about the dangers in Bad Ass Country Music, listen to the weekly broadcast of Rev. E.J. Corvette and the Corvette Christian Crusade on CMT radio. You'll find it at:

No need to say thanks, just doin my part.

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Member Since: 25-Nov-13
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Four more of life's lessons, George...
1. Farts. You
Just can’t
Trust them.

2. Misspelling. It
Still matters.
A lot.

3. Ninjas. Sometimes
They breed
With retards.

4. Richard Petty
Took my
Lunch money.

Learn it,
Live it,
Love it.

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Why granite kitchen counters?

Great sex.

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Member Since: 11-Sep-14
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I came back to finish this:

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Why new granite countertops? Great sex.

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Member Since: 11-Sep-14
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Every guy has a secret fantasy.

Message Disclaimers:
Not all men have this fantasy. Not all men who do have this fantasy are sexually aroused by it. Not all men who do have this fantasy and are aroused are heterosexual. Women may also have this fantasy, and the disclaimers made here apply to them as well.

The World Wrestling Entertainment Network (WWE) is not a party to this posting, and their name appears at the whim of the person who is having this fantasy. Neither DC Comics - publishers of Wonder Woman comic books nor Penthouse Magazine - publishers of Oh! Wicked Wanda graphic novels are party to this posting. This posting is purely the work of some lame-brained, sexually nerdish, expressively recidivistic troll (SNERT) with way, way too much time on his hands.

This posting in no way represents the political or social positions or the sexual preferences of the employees of NewbieNudes, The WWE Network, DC Comics or Penthouse magazine. This posting is intended solely for the amusement of the person posting this message and, hopefully, some of the people who read it.

For further information on the potential liabilities of those named above, contact the law firm of Dewey, Cheetum and Howe - 520 Walnut St, Kansas City, MO 816.873.8640.

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