
What a coincidence....
A man walks into a bar, sits on a stool one away from a woman on her own, and orders a glass of champagne.

Glancing his way, the woman says brightly, "I’ve just ordered a glass of champagne too!"

Smiling at her, he says, "What a coincidence.”

The barman serves the drinks, he takes a sip of his and says, “This is a special day for me. I'm celebrating."

"Hey, this is a special day for me, too” the woman raises her glass and reaches to clink the man’s, and says, “I'm also celebrating."

"What a coincidence. What are you celebrating?"

"My husband and I have been trying for years to have a baby. And today, my gynaecologist told me I'm pregnant!"

"What a coincidence. I'm a chicken farmer. For years all my hens have seemed infertile, but today they're laying."

"Hey, that's great! “But how did your chickens become fertile?"

"I finally realised where the problem was, and tried a different cock."

"What a coincidence…”

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