
anyone flash at the beach
i would like to know if anyone here flashes at the beach and the best way to do it so it looks like i dont mean to do it i would love to show everything at a nudist beach too and masturbate but this may be frowned upon what do you think

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flashing at the beach, i say go for it! if it looks intentional, what harm could it do? grin jerk

as for masturbating at a nudist beach..ehh..i don't think that would be appropriate, since...thats not really what nudism is about. Try masturbating at the public beach tongue

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...just go for a swim, get up from the water and ooops! your bikini accidentally fell off as you stood up! you can take as long as you feel brave enough to "realize" this. god, that would drive me crazy if i was there. grin

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Member Since: 22-Oct-06
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I did this for the first time last week. The best method is to wrap a towel around you and change either into or out of your swimming costume. Ensure the split in the towel is at your front and then reach into the split and remove your swimwear. If you do it right just your cock/pussy is exposed while the rest of you is covered. It looks natural and is a massive turn-on!

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Easy fix!
What I do, anytime I'm fortunate enough to get to the beach, is to lay in the sun on my belly. I undo my top, to 'tan my back.' When it's time to roll over, I fumble and take my time putting it back on.

While swimming, tie the top rather loosely. This way any little wave can provide an eye-full (and you can act unaware until someone points it out to you). This is a sure bet at water parks.

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You want to masturbate in public where unsuspecting on lookers can see, and will most likely be offended, many of them disgusted...

Damn, keep it in the bedroom or fork out the large deniros to go to Hedonism, where thats not only allowed but expected. 2c

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The Cock in Hand
nudist beach fun
depends where you go Sexynix.
if you visit France, try the VEndee, west coast, beaches arounf Brem sur Mer/Sauveterre. wide, long and with lots of huge pebble shelters, you can be descrete if you have neighbours or blatant if you find a deserted spot. beware though, frequent walkers along tops of dune opening look, stare but if you want to be seen............. jerk bounce

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Well I used to belong to a nudist club just south of Barrie before moving up here. It's great to be naked with people and nature. At public beaches I've been known to pull my cock and balls to one side of my bathing suit so anyone looking could see it. That's alot of fun at Wasaga Beach (just north of Barrie).

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i dont want to do it in front of unsuspecting onlookers just the ones who look like they would want to see more

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So pretty much all of the guys then grin

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well personally i agree with sexynix on this.

oew but Hedonism sounds like fun grin

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I always chose beaches where its ok to go naked so you cant flash much more than that.
Masturbating on the beach is fantastic but I do it where I am not seen.

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Another fun thing to do is let some pussy hair poke out from the sides of my bathing suit. Give everyone a little peek.

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Angelwife is right! I've had waves take my top almost completely off before, even when I'm NOT trying to get naked. wink It was embarassing at first but a little arousing for sure.

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Member Since: 12-Nov-12
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Masturbated At Haulover Beach
Last Sunday while nude sunbathing at Haulover Beach I rubbed one out. The area I was in was so packed! So many bodies. People giving nude back rubs. Others bending over in front of me. I could not take it anymore. Started to touch the head a bit. Already was rock hard and had stood up couple of times to see if it would go down. Started to rub it. Took me a good while to blow my load because I would stop before cumming. One time it was to much to hold. Noticed two couples, sitting separate watching discreetly and could not hold back. Yes, all over the sand! Caught a glimpse of the couples, one smiling, the other gave me a head knowd like a thumbs up. Me, I was now super relaxed! Wow, what an experience and feeling that was. Can't wait to head back to the beach and people watch.

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I wear white nylon gym shorts without a jock, when they get wet you can clearly see dick and ass.

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Tanning on the beach
Once or twice a summer I go to the beach with gin & tonic with lime in my water bottle and lay out on a towel to tan. On those days, the wind off the water seems to blow my bikini wrap up around my waist just before cute guys walk by - every time! From behind mirrored sunglasses, it's fun to see their reactions to all my extra bikini hair !! Even more fun are the guys who come back for second and third looks, some with little tents bulging out of the fronts of their bathing suits....
It's soooo much fun to flash and tease like that !! bounce

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There is a beach near me that people go to be naked in St Oyth Essex, you have to be carful but there are secluded sand dune areas where you could do this, I have been fortunate enough to witness such an event and got closer to look, being a nudist area I was obviously turned on and she was happy that a couple of us were openly watching and also masturbating along with her but everyone respected the area and no touching etc just some really exiting naughty fun, never happened since but wished it would!

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Clothing Optional Beach
I have been to a Clothing Optional Beach on several occasions. Because of the lack of rules at this beach I was totally naked. It was great laying on my beach blanket as fully clad folks walked by a got a good look at my nude body. The way I looked at it....if they want to see yourselves.

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i have walked on a nude beach with my cock fully erect. I got a lot of looks and winks!!!

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Member Since: 6-Jan-14
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Early on in her exhibitionism journey, the beach was my wifes favourite place for "accidental" nudity if there were no families, just a few young blokes around.

The usual was stand up in the surf with boobs out of her bikini or the bikini bottoms pulled to the sides of the lips or bush in front of a surfer. A few times when not many at the beach she would walk back to her towel, seemingly unaware her bits were on display as she enjoyed seeing the reactions through her sunnies.

Laying back tanning with her bikini bottoms "accidentaly" pulled to the sides or her lips or bush in front of a few lads gawking up on their bellies below us as she watched their reactions through her sunnies while pretending to read a magazine or play with her phone.

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I've casually shown my boobs at the beach

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If nude or topless count's as "flashing" then I guess yes...

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I do it
After I learned that it is nearly impossible to change your swim suits without exposing either your cock or your ass or both I decided no longer to try hiding things on the beach. When I come to the beach I drop all my clothes and put on my swim shorts. Coming back from the water I take off my wet pants, dry my body with a towel and then get some dry clothes. This is what I do on a textile beach. I have to admit that this is a certain turn- on but the nude phase is too short to get a hardon. So far I did not get any comments about doing this.

I don‘t think you should masturbate on any public beach. This will offend others.

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Bikini Flashing
If I'm wearing one of my bikinis, then there's a lot of pubic thigh hair to be seen when I'm walking on the beach or near a pool. heart

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Member Since: 9-Sep-10
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If your on a non nude beach just pull you bottoms to one side while laying out, and you'll be surprised how many guys will repeat there walk by. Always works for me. Make sure to wear dark sunglasses so they don't know your watching them watch you. I also like to wear my cover up with no bottoms and let the wind do it's magic! Good luck and happy flashing.. bounce

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