
Member Since: 26-Apr-19
Location: US
Posts: 322
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I Like to Reflect
Sister Site
It'd be cool if NN created a sister site for chubby women ONLY. Chubby women my size or fluffier seem to be extremely rare, due to the amount of perfect women on here. Would be nice to feel so alone and actually have something in common. I have seen women like myself leave because of how we look.

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Member Since: 26-Apr-19
Location: US
Posts: 322
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I Like to Reflect
Sister Site
*to not feel so alone, dang typo.

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Member Since: 20-Jan-20
Location: GB
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NN is for alll shapes and sizes,,,so for "amateurs", you get plenty compliments on here which you dismiss, as for people of a certain shape leaving can you name 3 ?

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Member Since: 13-Mar-16
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I don't feel alone at all. I'll happily have my over weight body next to hot super model type girls. They look sexy, just like the rest of us. Embrace your body. I think you look fantastic. Hubby does too. heart Mrs RC

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Member Since: 9-Dec-14
Location: US
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sister site
Sweet heart, I have no idea what you are talking about. #1 this is the first time I have seen your profile. #2 your a little chubby sure but, nowhere near fluffy #3 I personally would rather see and be with a girl with meat on her bones as opposed to a girl I'd be afraid I'd break. #4 Where were you when I was driving to South Carolina every week? ( not fair I know was ten or so years ago). Not a dam thing wrong with your body, stand up be proud and show us all what you've got!

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