
Member Since: 15-Jan-11
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Is it wrong...
Is it wrong to take your sister-in-law to a company party and pretend that she is your wife? She is very beautiful and I want to impress my co-workers. I have asked her and she said yes... I would not kiss her or cheat on my wife but just want to know if this situation is wrong overall?

I would take my wife but she is out of town and I don't want to go to the party alone. My company will most likely never meet my real wife too... I just want to impress everyone

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Member Since: 6-Sep-08
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It's different if you want to take her cause your wife is out of town and you don't want to go alone, but to introduce her as your wife kinda seems like you are embarrassed of who you really married...

But I'm to the one to judge.... Do as you please!! Don't let things weigh your conscious down!

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Member Since: 26-Jul-10
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It's ok to take her, as long as you don't introduce her as your wife. Explain to your co-workers that your wife is out of town and that your sister in law is standing in for her. Then add that you're so lucky because your wife is just as beautiful as your sister in law.

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yeah its wrong.... BUT
if your finds out she will feel betrayed by your sister-in-law.

BUT if you tell your wife you don't want to go alone AND with her permission could you bring your sis-in-law AND you do as softcell said about the intro then its ok and not the least underhanded... which as you have described ... is very underhanded..

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Member Since: 9-Dec-09
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Danger, Will Robinson!

This has the potential to explode in your face at a later date, especially if you bump into someone from work while out with your real wife. smile

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Claire Monroe
Is it wrong
Good heaven's, yes it's wrong. Be proud of who you are and impress your co-workers with your merits. Not what your "wife" looks like.

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Member Since: 11-Jan-08
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Species 5618. said: Danger, Will Robinson!

This has the potential to explode in your face at a later date, especially if you bump into someone from work while out with your real wife. smile

100% wrong and unfair to all concerned.

At some time the lie will come back to bite one of you because the world is getting smaller with less & less privacy due to Facebook and similar sites.

You WILL get caught out, sooner rather than later, and will look a fool to all your colleagues as well as having a question mark against your record as regards honesty.

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If I were your wife and I found out, I would soooo kick your arse... cheating or no cheating...

sorry mate,just my opinion smile

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I dont think its any great sin but creating a false representation of your life is just lyeing and Id say you are asking for trouble. Id spend the time trying to figure out why you need others to think you have a hot wife.

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oooops Oct 11 ??? I see this was an old dead thread ,sorry

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Member Since: 5-Apr-07
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don't lie, tell the truth, you could lose your job if they find out your full of shit, you reap what you sow, if you sow lies, ????... *lix*

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Member Since: 5-Apr-07
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don't lie, tell the truth, you could lose your job if they find out your full of shit, you reap what you sow, if you sow lies, ????... *lix*

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Member Since: 9-Mar-08
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I would say that you are a dead man walking if your wife (never mind your co-workers); ever find out about this one.
Oh man, have you ever fucked up! 2c

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Member Since: 8-Aug-05
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^^^^^^^^ agrees...
if my man took my sister instead of me saying she was his wife to impress
wow hes ashamed of me....
Id say to him NO bj FOR YOU !!

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Member Since: 12-Oct-16
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Just think about how you would feel if your wife did the same thing to you, just to impress co-workers. I do not think it is worth it, especially since you are married.


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Member Since: 24-Jun-05
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Claire Monroe said: Good heaven's, yes it's wrong. Be proud of who you are and impress your co-workers with your merits. Not what your "wife" looks like.

Totally agree. This is so wrong. If I taken someone else I would be honest with everyone.

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Member Since: 22-Oct-05
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Take her and be honest it will be to your advantage, introduce her as your wife's sister and your wife is out of town you didn't want to come alone, everyone will assume your wife is as beautiful as her sister and they will think you must be pretty cool with all these beautiful women around you and you won't have any lies to worry about when you do run into coworkers in the future. angel

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