njwifesandy said: i can understand completely why he enjoys it because my husband has let me have lovers on the side since 91. sometimes i go on fuck dates while hubby watches the kids and other times when we can find a sitter, hubby will join me and my male friend for a mfm threesome. when iam out alone on a date, hubbys at home thinking about how good iam getting it and knowing iam gonna give him all the details of my night out as he and i fuck our brains out later! sometimes i even have my friend take pics while he fucks me and then bring them home to tease him with! the most important thing is that you share every detail of it with hubby. this way it remains i thing you do as a couple rather then something that becomes more personal. the only 2 people in love should be husband and wife.
I'm with Sandy, they key is sharing it with hubby and being totally honest with each other. It all has to do with trust and being open.
I've been playing with my boss/hubby's best friend since 1993, in the last 15 years he and I have gone out quite a few times. Even got a motel room and spent the night. I'll go with him because of how close we all are together but, not with others, Hubby knows I work out of town with him and we share a room every time we are gone. He fucks me silly while we're gone and it goes both ways,,, lol I come home to hubby and attack as soon as I get in the door. I'd already been on the phone each night telling him what we had been doing and sending him pictures. Poor baby, sometimes he can't even stroke his dick while I'm gone because I put him in a cage before I leave (not often but, It's so fun knowing he' is wanting to stroke while talking to me or looking at pictures) I'm greedy, it's my cum and it will be saved until I get home.